I live in the leafy borough of Wandsworth with my lovely husband Jim. Trained as a lawyer, I left the city to join forces with co-founder Rebecca and we launched This is Your Kingdom in June 2010. As a result of lots of hard work & the help of a few very special people (School for Creative Startups, Time Out’s Tony Elliott & our fabulous team of writers each deserve a special mention!) ‘TiYK’ has become a trusted place for people to share and celebrate lovely discoveries, great delights, simple pleasures and special gems, the very best the UK has to offer.
From blustery walks and secret picnic spots to favourite benches and specialist local shops, each is shared by our team of writers who love nothing more than discovering places that are truly special, a little unknown or somewhat unexpected.
Ooh too many to list.. my parents, brothers, my husband Jim. I admire people who strive for success and overcome adversity to achieve their goals in life – whether this is to have a happy family life, succeed in at work or live a long & healthy life. It’s good to wake up each morning with a purpose that you are inspired by.
I love personal gifts with history that mark a moment in time – an engraved ring given to me by my gorgeous husband on our wedding day, my mum’s vintage shoes & handbags & a beautiful painting by Claire Fletcher given to me by Mum & Dad on my 30th Birthday. I also have an old trunk that’s kept under the bed in our spare room & is full of things I’ve collected over the years; old family photographs, occasion cards from people dear to me, notes from school, old wedding or birthday invitations, tickets to memorable events & other random bits & bobs.
A perfect London weekend would see Jim & I travel to brunch in style aboard my favourite 137/87 bus; top deck, front row window seat for the best views of course. We’d enjoy delicious food & fine service courtesy of one of Rex Restaurant’s fine establishments, either The Wolseley in Piccadilly or The Colbert on Sloane Square. A long walk through the capital would ensue, taking in the beautiful architecture & the many green spaces – Green Park & St James’ to say hello to the pelicans. We’d spend the evening enjoying a jolly dinner with friends or slopped out on the sofa watching the latest box set (The Wire.. need i say more).
I also love to escape London at least once a month to visit family in Devon, Cornwall and Northamptonshire. And, following a recent stay at the Russian Cottage on the Chatsworth Estate I plan to spend at least one week a year holed up in a cosy nook in the country with lots of yummy food, a stack of books, my walking boots & not another soul in sight!
A girl of simple needs, I am most content when spending time with Jim and our families & friends – Christmas time in Devon is pretty special. In my enviable position as wife to a talented racing driver I love nothing more than seeing Jim succeed on the track and will be found grinning from ear to ear when he secures that sought after spot on the podium! On a more menial basis, I firmly believe you cannot beat the adrenalin rush of a good car-boot.
For This is Your Kingdom to continue going from strength to strength & become the place to share & discover the best of the UK. To lead a happy, healthy & rewarding life surrounded by family & friends.
Image courtesy of the wildly talented Xanthe Berkeley during our weekend at Sisterhood Camp.